fallen snow

playing with double exposure ☃
konica big mini 201


i made this tote bag for jule. she opened her #24 christmas calendar door today, so i can post it now. hope she likes it as much as is do. obvious inspired by the gorgeous serif bag.

for my #24 door she made me a ♥ mix-cd that i'm now listening to…

das bierbeben

das bierbeben at zucker club bremen, 24. october 2009

although the gig was very spontaneous and they played right in the middle of a (boring) techno party, it still was really great

tocotronic - aber hier leben, nein danke (das bierbeben remix)

what i do when nobody is watching

eating to much chocolate

scratching my nose while yawning

sleeping & daydreaming

singing along to my favourite songs

for liz: what do yo du when no one is watching

christmas calendar

jule and i swapped christmas calendars ♥
this is mine she installed in my room… without knowing we booth made brown paper packages tied up with strings.


nina and i did some collaborative & mostly handmade work for the sl3erlin calendar 2010 ♥

zucker club

the zucker club is currently my favorite venue & place for being creative, working & party… sometimes